Blagdon Easter crochet workshop Thursday April 10th 7-9 pm


A brand new workshop for students that have completed at least workshops 1, 2 and 3.
In this workshop we will be making a miniature Easter basket to hold a few mini eggs or sweets. The beauty of this class , is once you've mastered the pattern you can size up yarn and hook and make a functional basket for your home .
You will be learning 2 new stitches which are simple but ornate . All material included plus a crème egg each plus mini eggs!
You will receive the pattern to take home plus a couple of other Easter themed patterns ( all free online)

terms, conditions and cancellation policy: classes are paid for in a advance. If you change your mind 10 days or more before the class a full refund will be issued. If you cannot attend the class after this time frame I will do my best to sell your ticket and give you a full refund. If I cannot sell the ticket no refund will be able to be given. Refunds and ticket transfers cannot be given for illness, holidays , changes of plans etc. All needles and yarn can be borrowed in class unless otherwise stated . Full public liability cover


  • 2 in stock


* indicates required